What we do.

Oomph Osteopathy embodies a holistic approach to addressing muscle, ligament, joint, and nerve-related concerns, through the application of manual therapy and a range of other techniques.

Our highly experienced Osteopaths adopt biomedical principles and use client-centered communication. They collaborate with you to target those nagging discomforts that hinder your everyday movements.

They aim to tackle pain at its source, preventing minor discomforts from evolving into enduring troubles.

What we treat.

  • e.g. Headaches, Migraines, TMJ Dysfunction, Whiplash Injuries

  • e.g. Pregnancy, SIJ Dysfunction, Ligament Strains

  • e.g. Piriformis Syndrome, Lumbar/ Sacral Dysfunction, Disc Issues

  • e.g. Tennis Elbow, Golfers Elbow, Strains and Sprains

  • e.g. A/C Dysfunction, Frozen Shoulder, Impingement Syndrome

  • e.g. Bursitis, Groin Strains, ITB Syndrome

  • e.g. Meniscus Issues, Patella Maltracking, ACL/PCL Issues

  • e.g. Plantar Fasciitis, Morton's Neuroma, Metatarsal Issues

What’s involved in an initial assessment?

Before delving into a hands-on evaluation, we ensure that you have a clear understanding of:

  • What an osteopath does?

  • How we can assist you?

  • The techniques we employ to alleviate your musculoskeletal issues.

Once you’re comfortable with the terminology, we delve deeper into your specific concerns, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of your medical history before proceeding with hands-on diagnostics. Throughout this process, we use plain language to explain any techniques, ensuring you’re in full control every step of the way.

What happens after an initial assessment?

Once we pinpoint the cause of your issues, we develop a strategy that will help alleviate and resolve your discomfort. We welcome both new and returning clients, with our ultimate aim being to help you reach a state where further visits become unnecessary. Your well-being is our primary objective. While we value your insights as a guide, our osteopaths may uncover underlying issues that will modify or enhance your treatment.